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Family Flyer 64

June 19, 2017

Equity of Exoneration – The Modern Application – analysis of Armstrong v Onyearu & Another [2017] EWCA Civ 258

  1. Once I mention Trustee in Bankruptcy – I can anticipate, like ITVs ‘Take me Out’, many family practitioners’ lights going out. But as Paddy McGuiness might say (apologies in advance) – let the ratio see the decidendi! .
  2. Yes this case was an appeal in respect of a Trustee in Bankruptcy’s claim that the W’s interest in the family home was subject to a secured loan, which had been used for H’s business

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Family Flyer 63

June 19, 2017

Variation of Executory Orders

The Court of Appeal in the case of Bezeliansky v Bezelianskaya [2016] EWCA Civ 76, has recently reviewed the extent of the Court’s Thwaite v Thwaite (1980) power to vary the terms of any final order made, including those by consent.


The Court was dealing with an appeal in respect of a consent order made by Holman J in 2013 upon the parties’ respective financial claims following their divorce.

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Pre-nuptials: The profession’s responsibility

June 19, 2017

Ashley Murray is one of the few senior Circuit specialists outside London with a recognised big money ancillary relief practice. He is known for his knowledge and ability in this area of the law and his detailed preparation and attention to his brief.

The quality, clarity and cost of pre-nuptial agreements being produced for clients and the varied approaches being adopted to the negotiation process engaged in obtaining the same by some sections of the profession, it is suggested, requires some adjustments to current practice.

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Cohabitation New Edition

June 1, 2017


Law, Practice and Precedents


This work provides commentary, checklists, procedural guides and precedents on the subject in a single volume