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Family Flyer Issue 53
April 30, 2015
Ashley Murray Limited
I am proud to announce that Ashley Murray Limited trading as Ashley Murray Chambers has now been approved by the Bar Standard Board and the Bar Indemnity Fund to provide family finance advocacy, litigation, and expert legal advice services as an entity.
Click here to read more.
Ashley Murray Limited
April 30, 2015
From the 28th April 2015, Ashley Murray Chambers has become the first family barrister practice in England and Wales to be registered with the Bar Standards Board and the Bar Indemnity Fund as Ashley Murray Limited.
Ashley Murray Limited trading as Ashley Murray Chambers is an entity that provides family finance advocacy, litigation, and expert legal advice services.
Please see Flyer 53 for more details.
Family Flyer Issue 52
April 28, 2015
Sharing Non Matrimonial Assets ‘as rare as a White Leopard’: JL v SL (No.2) [2015] EWHC 360 (Fam). Mostyn J.
Practitioners will find a helpful analysis in this latest judgment of Mr Justice Mostyn which again re-states and attempts to further clarify the approach surrounding pre and post accrued value in divorce disputes.
Click here to read more.