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New website launched

April 4, 2014

  • On 7th April 2014 Ashley launched his specialised financial remedy chambers  as the first of its kind in the North West.


  • With the innovation of the introduction of a direct web based booking facility Ashley responds to the needs of his solicitors and clients to providing a more bespoke and professional service.

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Are our Higher Courts prejudiced against the role of the married woman?

March 28, 2014

The fairness of our legal system is acknowledged around the world. Yet, at the heart of our domestic law of capital and income distribution upon divorce, the married woman remains, by reason of historical and cultural reasons, in cases where resources exceed ‘needs’, the most likely spouse to recover a less than equal share of the parties’ post divorce assets. Read more

Co-Author Cohabitation: Law, Practice and Precedents

March 19, 2014

5th Edn (January 2012; Jordans)
with H Wood, D Lush, D Bishop, A Murray, J Eames Read more

Family Finance Flyer Issue 43

February 11, 2014

Pre-Nuptial Guidance – from you know who!

If there was ever a man on a mission – then it must be Mostyn J who appears to have set himself an ambition with each case he decides to progressively codify every aspect of Financial Remedy law – of course, Napolean did the same for France!   Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 42

January 12, 2014

At Last – Some Good News For Wives Seeking Fairness On Divorce

The history of progress of married women’s rights upon divorce before the matrimonial courts of England and Wales has been and in many respects continues to be a tortuous one. The pinnacle of ‘fairness without discrimination’ briefly achieved by their Lordships in White v White (2000) 1 AC 596 remains well over a decade later an isolated altar to the concept that the Law intends to treat men and women equally in a terrain otherwise littered with, apparently, unashamed decisions evidencing the contrary.   Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 41

December 31, 2013

A New Approach to Family Finance Practice

‘Time for Change’

I have just past the seventh anniversary of producing these Family Finance Flyers, the first having followed the decision in the House of Lords of McFarlane/Miller (2006).   Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 40

October 28, 2013

Warnings to the Profession from the President

Sir James Munby has made no secret of the fact that the time has come to ring in the changes to make the Family Justice system fit for purpose.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 39

July 17, 2013

The Backwaters of s 33 of the MCA and reclaiming overpayments

Wilson LJ, as he then was, in the Court of Appeal judgment of the case of Radmacher v Granatino [2010] complained about the interpretation of ss 34 and 35 of the MCA by Baroness Hale in Macleod [2008] as an analysis of two sections which had been ‘dead letters’ for more than 30 years and which ‘To the best of my recollection, neither at the bar nor on the bench have I been party to a case in which they have even fallen to be considered…’.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 38

June 21, 2013

Experts ‘Necessary’ or Not

As anticipated in Flyer 35 when introducing the new Rule changes to engaging Experts in family cases (FPR 2010 Part 25) – the Ryder reforms are bringing with them the message that Court case management is to get a great deal more robust.   Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 37

April 30, 2013

The New Legal Services Order from 1 April 2013

Just in case you did not attend any of the recent seminars on this subject, two important new sections are inserted into the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 to help such litigants overcome the problem of costs litigation funding (ie Currey orders).  Click here to read more.

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