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Concealment in Family Financial Proceedings: A Crime by Any Other Name (2014) Fam Law 1131

September 7, 2014

The introduction of the single Family Court is intended to herald a more efficient and cost effective system of family justice. However, the measure of the effectiveness of any system of justice has to be in its delivery.
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Breaking the Mould at the Bar

September 3, 2014

Setting the Scene

I remember one family holiday in Torquay. I was just 11 years old at the time with a very pronounced stammer, which I was not to overcome until I was 21. The Maltese landlady of the B&B which my mother and father had booked my brothers and I in at was saying goodbye. Asked what I wanted to be when I was older – I told her with some difficulty – a barrister.
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Family Flyer Issue 49

July 25, 2014

S37 Injunctions without notice – ‘Damned if you do and damned if you don’t’

A Solicitor unlike Counsel has no hiding place when it comes to the correct and considered response to be given to a client’s urgent instruction that the other spouse is about to move a valuable asset in a divorce case.  Click here to read more.

Family Flyer Issue 48

July 18, 2014

Time Out on Delayed Application for Expert Valuation. An analysis of Cooper-Hohn v Hohn [2014] EWCA Civ 896

This was an application for leave to appeal a case management decision made by Coleridge J in financial remedy proceedings in April 2014 … Click here to read more.

Family Flyer Issue 47

June 29, 2014

Consent Orders – the power to set aside – TF v PJ  [2014] EWHC 1780 (Fam) (Mostyn J)

Under the old Family Proceedings Rules, the question as to whether there was power to set aside a financial remedy Consent final order made by a District Judge remained in doubt … Click here to read more.

Wives Seeking Fairness on Divorce: R v R (2014) Fam Law 848

June 7, 2014

The history of progress of married women’s rights upon divorce before the matrimonial courts of England and Wales has been and in many respects continues to be a tortuous one.

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Family Flyer Issue 46

June 1, 2014

‘Thick and Fast’ – Obligatory Standards on Preparation of High Court Financial Remedy Cases – from the ‘Money Judge’ (Mostyn J)

 The recent ‘View from the President’s Chambers’ (No 12) has suggested that soundings are already being taken as to widening this mandatory Guidance to include the lower courts in all such proceedings – so ‘forewarned is forearmed’. Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 45

April 27, 2014

Here we go on the first day of the New Family Court – there is now a new Practice Direction 27A for Court Bundles in all cases in the Family Court.  Ignore at your peril – and with costs!  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 44

April 22, 2014

The Guidance on the current practice to be adopted when considering the making of and the adjudication upon applications for a Legal Services Payment orders provided by Mostyn J in the case of Rubin v Rubin [2014] EWHC 611 (Fam) will be welcome to both practitioners and the Court. Click here to read more.

Pre-Nuptials, LSPs and Compensation Guidance: Before and After the Law Com Report

April 4, 2014

The subject of pre-nuptial agreements is again headline news with the Law Commission’s publication of its Report on Marital Property, Needs and Agreements and a recent spate of High Court decisions.

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