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Family Finance Flyer Issue 36

February 28, 2013

Lump Sum or Sums or Instalments. Take your pick – but get the intention in writing.

Imagine as a client you are advised by your expensive legal team that an order for several lump sums as opposed to payment by instalments avoids any attempt later to vary the amount to be paid.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 35

February 10, 2013

The First Signs of the Ryder Reforms – Here Comes ‘the All Singing All Dancing’ Judge. Number One on the Agenda – Experts.

The announcement during 2012 of the Ryder reforms to the Court system resulted in only momentary attention from a Profession used to seeing such reports on reform to the Court System introduced and then starved of both central funds to implement and Judges willing to enforce.   Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 34

December 21, 2012

2013 New Year Letter

A friend of mine recently put me in my place when I was complaining that I did not seem to be doing anything in life to make a real difference.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 33

November 14, 2012

Piercing The Corporate Veil – No Way Through Without Impropriety

There is a temptation to ask in this case what all the fuss is about when we hear the losing side (Wife) complaining in grandiose terms that the decision is tantamount to a charter upon divorce for devious husbands to deprive their wives of what is fair.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 32

September 27, 2012

A ‘Master Class’ in Applying the Primary Principles of Fairness and Ensuring Equality of Division of Company Assets:

It will not have escaped the reader’s attention that the almost manic scramble by different High Court Judges to restate the law relating to financial remedies appears over the last two months to have gone into temporary remission.   Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 31

February 20, 2012

Radical Change to Preparation of Financial Case Preparation and Trial Presentation

I readily recognise that in reporting upon yet another significant judgement of Charles J, some may wonder if I have belatedly joined a rather small fan club of the learned Judge.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 30

September 20, 2011

S 25, Needs and the Principle of Autonomy and Guidance to the New Procedure on Appeals.

This is another detailed analysis from Charles J in a very important area for family lawyers. The Supreme Court in Radmacher v Granatino gave centre stage to the principle of autonomy arising out of the parties’ intentions set out in their ante-nuptial agreement.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 29

June 24, 2011

Ante Nuptial Agreements and ‘Needs’ post Radmacher

What was abundantly clear from the Supreme Court’s decision in Radmacher v Granatino (see Flyer 24) was that, until Parliament addressed the issue, whatever the wording of an ante-nuptial agreement between the parties, upon distribution on divorce, the ‘needs level’ of either party would continue to be protected under the s 25 statutory exercise.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 28

April 15, 2011

S v AG (& MR) [2011] EWHC Civ 1056

Lottery Wins – ‘Matrimonial’ or ‘Non Matrimonial‘ – Mostyn J., at the start of this hearing, had walked into Court armed with only three pieces of paper, none of which informed him of the case with which he was to be presented.  Click here to read more.

Family Finance Flyer Issue 27

March 31, 2011

Mansfield v Mansfield [2011] EWHC Civ 1056

Damages Awards and the Sharing Principle – The parties’ relationship (cohab/marriage) had lasted 6 ½ years and there were twin children (aged 4).  Before the cohabitation began in 2002, the Husband had received in 1998 a damages award for a personal injuries claim of £0.5m  Click here to read more.

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